Research confirms that drinking gives you the same benefits yoga does

Position of total relaxation.

Position that brings the sensation of peace and calm.

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
This position calms the brain and heals tired legs.

Position stimulates the midirift area and the spinal comumn.

Excellent for back pain and insomnia.

Excellent for the shoulder area, thorax, legs, and arms.

Great exercise to stimulate the lumbar area, legs, and arms.

Ananda Balasana
This position is great for massaging the hip area.

This position, for ankles and back muscles.


Tones the body, and builds flexibility and helps get rid of ‘stress’.

So, start drinking …

~ by yougottobekidding on September 8, 2009.

23 Responses to “Research confirms that drinking gives you the same benefits yoga does”

  1. Bar
    What happens after you try to chat up the barmaid one too many times.

    How you feel about the barmaid.

    Pub crawl
    What you have to do to get back in to your local.

    See “Barmaid”.

    You need the loo.

    But you can barley stand, talk or focus.

    more at

  2. This is me after I Drink! Someone please e-mail me this! Thanks!

  3. Oh my goodness! I’m crying from laughing so hard. It’s much funnier if you read the description of the positions after looking at the photos.

  4. good conclusion! it brings definitely a new idea!

  5. Are you sure they are drunks not junkies in those photos?

    • Not sure. I know the one’s in Russia are just drunk. Too many relatives over there confirm such is the case.

  6. Holy Crimony! I have been leading a healthy life! My college days were more healthful than I thought. Thanks for this!

    I’m gonna tweet this to my homies.

  7. The scientists for this research are the most stupid people I have ever seen.

    • Don’t take it too seriously: it was just someone having a bit of fun and certainly not by scientists doing anything even remotely related to typical research.

  8. I like donig some Yoga and there is Nothing in the World that they are the same . My wife has read that 90 percent of Women like a Man that dose Yoga . Its better For Stress than Drinking and You still have Some of Your MONEY

  9. marvelous!! i don’t drink..but maybe gotta try sometime 🙂

  10. awww…..there you go, sizt!! you drink and be healty!! lol…see??what i’ve told ya??

  11. Frickity hilarious. I LMAO. Thanks.

  12. Thanks for the laugh! I’ve considered taking up yoga, but maybe I’ll rethink that one… haha

  13. […] […]

  14. One effect of drinking has come to light from the illustration above, assuming that the lady(ies) in each picture did yoga and then drank afterward…the after picture demonstrates a gender change in each one of the picture sets 🙂

  15. that was just plain hilarious!

  16. Hilarious…it’s an understatement, laughed so much, my tummy hurts..the comparison between the pics…lol

  17. hahahahahaha so funny….

  18. Hilarious!

  19. […]… […]

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